Assyrians of Arizona for Higher Learning
By laws
Article 1- Name:
The name of this society shall be "Assyrians of Arizona
for Higher Learning" hereinafter referred to as "AAHL".
Article 11- Organization:
is a non-profit organization without any political orientation, which is democratic in structure and professional in nature,
organized under the laws of the state of Arizona.
The Assyrians of Arizona for Higher Learning is a society whose mission is to contribute to the
advancement of the Assyrian community by motivating and assisting the pursuit of formal education, providing career counseling,
guiding the youth, and promoting cultural awareness
Section I: Objectives:
Mission Objectives
To elevate the Assyrian educational ethic
To encourage and assist Assyrians in the academe
To encourage and promote extracurricular activities
To provide guidance for the Assyrian youth
To inspire Christian morality within the Assyrian community
To inspire and promote national unity and pride
To increase public awareness of Assyrian history
To foster the Assyrian language, culture, and fine arts
To provide social functions for Assyrians
To utilize the media to convey information and to project the cause of
the AAHL
To provide a medium for the exchange of information via student and professional
To pursue official and public recognition
To consociate with Assyrian academic organizations the world over
To maintain a high standard of discipline within the AAHL membership
To acquire resources in support of the AAHL objectives
V Membership
a) The applicant must be of good character and law abiding,
attending full or Part Time College or university.
The applicant must believe in the purpose
of the AAHL, abide by its bylaws, adhere to all the resolutions and decisions taken by the AAHL, defend them, and have the
linguistic, educational and professional capabilities to implement them. |
The applicant must undergo five consecutive
meetings at the end of which he will attain full membership status with the approval of the members of the board of directors.
The applicant must provide evidence of academic status upon request.
The applicant must take the membership
The applicant must pay membership dues
2- membership Hierarch |
a) Regular Member: A regular member is any person who has obtained at least an Associate Degree or higher
degree form an accredited college, university or institute of higher education or a student who has completed at least two
years of college level work and is currently continuing his/her education.
b) Student Member: A student member is any student who is a senior in high school or above. This type
of member status is in the form of three-phase transition
I: pledge member
II: Associate member
III: full member
Only a full member is allowed to participate in the organization's decision-making and official representation
of the organization. The Phase I and Phase II members can only act as observers and provide aid to the organization members
c) Professional member: A professional membership shall be granted to any person who has a significant achievement
in science or arts, who has contributed significantly to the welfare, the intellectual needs and prestige of the Assyrian
community and the general public.
d) Alumni member: is a member who has served AAHL for three of more years, who is
in good standing with the organization and has since retired from the organization
Voting member: a regular, professional member who is in good standing,
alumni member
Section 3- Membership Dues
Membership dues are set and reviewed annually by the Executive
committee. Membership dues shall be published in the membership application
Section 4- Privileges
a) A regular member, a professional member or an alumni member has the right to vote
in general body meetings upon acceptance
as a member of the AAHL provided that he/she is in good standing.
b) A voting member has the right to participate in electing members of the executive
committee through secret Ballots.
c) A regular member or professional member that is qualified
and is in good standing has the right to be nominated or nominated him/herself to be a committee member.
d) Every member can attend all general body meetings, and
make suggestions he/she deems necessary for fulfilling the objectives of the AAHL.
5: Meetings
a) Regular General Body Meetings
The regular general body meeting shall be called as deemed necessary at a prescribed date and place
with two (2) weeks notice.
b) Special General Body Meeting: |
A minimum often (10) voting members have the right to call
a special meeting through the Executive committee with at least ten (10) day notice
Section 6- the annual General Body Meetings:
a) The annual general body meeting shall be held once a
year, with at least one-month notice.
b) The annual general body meeting shall formulate the
outlines of the AAHL policy.
c) The Annual general body meeting evaluates the activities
and resolutions the board of executive members.
d) The annual general body meeting may make amendments
to the constitution, provided that all members shall be notified of the proposed amendments at least fifteen (15) days in
e) The annual general body meeting elects members of the
executive committee through secret ballot.
f) All decisions of the general body meeting are taken
by the majority vote, with the exception of the amendments to the constitution and by-laws, which require an affirmative vote
of majority of the members present voting.
Section 7- Quorum
The quorum of the membership meeting will be formed with the presence of the majority
of voting members
Section 8 - Proxy:
Members may vote by proxy at the annual general body meeting
provided that it is in writing.
Section 9- Resignation:
a) Every member has the right to resign, as he/she had
joined voluntarily without necessarily being obligated to mention the reason(s) for his/her resignation. All resignations
must be submitted in writing to the executive committee.
b) Every member is considered resigned he/she delays his/her
dues more than one year.
c) All returning member must meet Article v qualifications in order to regain
their full membership.
) Penalties may be implemented in the following sequence:
I. Notice
Suspension |
IV. Expulsion
e) Members using AAHL funds, property or stationary for their own private interest
will face immediate expulsion by the executive board.
f) expelled member cannot be readmitted at all.
Article VII- Executive
Section- Size
The Executive committee shall be four (6) in number. This can only be changed by two
third (2/3) affirmative vote from the general body. This number cannot be reduced to fewer than four members.
Section 2- Composition
The executive committee of AAHL shall hold the following offices
a) President
b) Vice president
c) Treasurer & secondary |
d) Secretary & secondary
Section 3- Qualification:
for the executive committee shall be a regular member in good standing for two (2) years, at least twenty-one (21) years old,
and has obtained an associates degree or higher from an accredited institution. An executive member of AAHL can
not be part of, or affilated with any other Assyrian orgnizations' decision making committee.
Section 4- Elections:
a) The voting members will elected the executive committee every two years, at the annual general
body meeting through a secret ballot. |
b) Any vacancy, with the exception of the post of the president, occurring in the Board of directors
shall be filled by a member who is elected by the voting members present at the first general body meeting which shall convene
immediately afterwards.
5- Dowers of the Executive committee:
a) The executive committee shall meet regularly any committee member may call an emergency
meeting of the executive if it is deemed necessary specifying therefore, the reason for the meeting.
b) The executive committee shall call for the annual general
body meeting, designating its time and place.
c) The executive committee shall call for regular general
body meetings, as well as emergency body meetings whenever it deems them necessary.
d) The executive committee has the right to form temporary specialized committees,
which should report directly to the executive committee.
e) The executive committee is the only body with the authority
to establish chapters whenever it finds them necessary.
f) The executive committee may assign a specific responsibility to any member if it
considers him/her eligible and willing to assume the assignment.
g) The executive committee is in charge of approving the
policy and the content of its origin or its newsletter.